A Match Made in Heaven



One thing you can always count on at First Methodist is spectacular music. We are blessed each Sunday with beautiful, holy music to inspire us and draw us closer to God. I always look forward to the music each Sunday. You never know if the choir will be singing from opposite sides of the sanctuary, marching in to some upbeat tune, or ringing handbells from the balcony. There are hymns, anthems, praise songs, and you may even hear “Jesus Loves Me” mixed in among these. 

I asked Renee to talk with me about what it was like to lead the chancel choir. She reluctantly agreed, and I know she was secretly hoping I would forget. I already knew that Renee was a modest person who would rather have others in the spotlight. She works hard behind the scenes and is perfectly happy doing that. She gives all the credit to the choir and their incredible talents. I thought this was interesting because when I talked with choir members, they gave her all the credit for bringing out their best performances. I believe that is what makes our choir and their leader so unique. They simply click.

Music was just a part of life growing up. Renee began playing the piano when she was 6, and her parents always had music playing in the house. She knew at an early age that it would represent a significant part of her future. Renee loves the piano and if you ever watch her play, you know she has been given a wonderful gift. That little girl could never have known that her path would lead her to where she is today, but God knew all along where she would be, and I know we are all thankful He put Renee and our chancel choir together. 

I asked about the different specials the choir performs and wondered if she had a favorite. I wasn't surprised to hear that each Sunday service was her answer and that is her focus. The other things they do are for variety and are wonderful, but she is passionate about each Sunday. She wants to give back to her church family and God by making each Sunday special. She likes to showcase the full range of talent this choir has. They bring out the best in each other. They share a desire to do the best they can with their gifts, treat each other like family, pray together and share the joys and sorrows of daily life. I also heard that a lot of birthday cake is involved.  I think they have a good thing going.

By Michelle Holland